Tuesday 4 July 2017

Thousands Of Microsoft Staff Worldwide Are Been Sacked

Microsoft is set to become the latest tech company to lay-off employees, this is expected to affect thousands of workers across the world.

According to media report , the company is taking the action in order to ‘reorganize its salesforce’. The restructuring will include an organizational merger that involves its enterprise customer unit and one or more of its SME-focused divisions. The changes are set to be announced this coming week, we understand.
The company has refused to comment on the development.

“At any rate, the time is right for change, historically. The end of Microsoft’s fiscal year typically falls in July, and it recent years it has been a time when the firm has announced headcount reductions,” the report stated.

In 2016, the company said it would cut 2,850 jobs — including at least 900 from its sales group. Two months earlier, it announced it would let go of 1,850 staff related to its smartphone business. Two years ago, Microsoft it made 7,800 job cuts and wrote down $7.6 billion of its Nokia acquisition.



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